certified public accountants Fresno

Bank Levy Release California

Tax Accountants/ Advisors in Fresno, California

When the tax collector is unable to contact you through regular channels they often will issue a bank levy. This is a real problem if you have a payroll to meet or many essential bills to pay. Very few people can have a levy on their bank account and not suffer.

Schedule an Appointment with Tuttle & Tuttle, CPA for Tax Resolution Services in California

When a tax collector levies your bank all the money in the bank, on the day that the levy is received, will be removed from your account. Often you do not find out about this for several days after it has been removed. The levied money will be held by the bank for a specified number of days depending on whether it was the IRS, FTB, EDD or Sales Tax Collector issued the levy. This time frame can range from 5 to 20 days. Once the specified time in the levy elapses the bank will mail your money to the tax collector.

Therefore it is absolutely critical that you contact our CPA Firm immediately as soon as you find out your bank account has been levied so that we get to work on requesting that the levy amount be reduced or removed totally.

If you allow the levy to proceed and do not take care of your tax problem another bank levy will be sure to follow in the near future. Don't play Russian Roulette with your bank account. This problem can be solved.

Learn about how to get a Bank Levy Release from professional Fresno tax advisors at Tuttle & Tuttle, CPA.

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